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martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

R.E.M. will give a concert in Lima

Spanish version

A great new have just came and we are happy to announce here in our web: the american rock band R.E.M. has included Peru in his fall tour 2008.

Their official web site has set that they are added some more cities in their south american tour, which will start on october 24th in Dallas and will include also Mexico D.F., Bogota, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile.

Peru will recieve the rock group leaded by Michael Stipe on november 14th at Jockey Club del Peru.

Here the tour schedule:

October 24th: Dallas, Nokia Theatre (with Old 97s)
October 26th: New Orleans Voodoo Festival
October 29th: Bogota, Colombia, Parque Simon Bolivar
November 1st: Buenos Aires, Argentina, Club Ciudad BA
November 3rd: Santiago, Chile, Movistar Arena
November 4th: Santiago, Chile, Movistar Arena
November 6th: Porto Alegre, Brazil, Zequinha Stadium
November 8th: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Arena
November 10th: Sao Paulo, Brazil, Via Funchai
November 11th: Sao Paulo, Brazil, Via Funchai
November 14th: Lima, Peru, Jockey Club Del Peru
November 16th: Caracas, Venezuela, Caracas Festival
November 18th: Mexico City, Auditorio National

Related links:

R.E.M. official webpage

My Dylan Chronicle in a Spanish Magazine

Desolation Post web page. In the item number 17 my chrinicle appears
(click on the imagen to see in detail).

Spanish version

This is not a recent new, but, anyways, I would like to share it with you. My chronicle about my first Dylan concert, "Chronicle of an Announced Dream" has been issued in Desolation Post, one of the most important Dylan magazines in Spain.

Although the article was written to share my experiences with Bob "face to face", live (my dream that came true) it was created also to point ouit that Im not the only one. There are thousands of good music fans here, some of then that like to mantain annonymous, but most of them just "behind the stage"; all of them with knowledgment and preferences appreciables about rock, jazz, blues or even classic music. And lots of them, like me, took up the packages that time, to fly to Buenos Aires and not to miss that only one chance for us, who are in this part of the world.

I'd like to thanks to the managers of Desolation Post for this chance of publish my work and to spread it. You can read my chronicle just clicking here.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Martin Scorsese 's Shine a Light Trailer

¿You are not still decided to see the last Scorsese's movie? well, now you can see the Shine a Light's trailer, an advance of this revealing documentary that is now on theathers of Lima. The director of Raging Bull and The Departed show us with masterfully, the magic of this four riders of the Apocalypse...

The Scorsese's Rolling Stone

Scorsese and the Stones. (*)

It is not a secret to anyone that one album of The Rolling Stones will be always near Martin Scorsese's stereo, and in his CD case, some of them (or all) will have a preferent place. If not, you can wonder how many times it is possible to hear "Guimme Shelter" in his movies (for example in Casino or in Goodfellas).

And his golden dream of catching in the ecran the magic that these four long-heired men have spreaded on stages, was done where they accepted to be part of Shine a Light, a documentary, or a silent work under the shadows of the musicians, who over, behind the stage, or in the studio, get naked, nearly unexpectedly. The Beacon Theatre in Manhattan is the place where all the power of the band concentrated, in two prerformances that they gave, together with guests like Buddy Guy and Jack White, and not to forget Christina Aguilera. All this to point out the importance and, after all, the permanence that these rebels of the humid and vibrant tonge have through generations.

And, this rockumentary is on theathers now. So, let's not miss it and enjoy that movie, because with the music of the Stones and the touch of Scorsese, the quality is guaranteed.

Related links:

Cine schedule
New in El Comercio (spanish)
Complete report in El País (spanish)

Image: Newspaper El País