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martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

My Dylan Chronicle in a Spanish Magazine

Desolation Post web page. In the item number 17 my chrinicle appears
(click on the imagen to see in detail).

Spanish version

This is not a recent new, but, anyways, I would like to share it with you. My chronicle about my first Dylan concert, "Chronicle of an Announced Dream" has been issued in Desolation Post, one of the most important Dylan magazines in Spain.

Although the article was written to share my experiences with Bob "face to face", live (my dream that came true) it was created also to point ouit that Im not the only one. There are thousands of good music fans here, some of then that like to mantain annonymous, but most of them just "behind the stage"; all of them with knowledgment and preferences appreciables about rock, jazz, blues or even classic music. And lots of them, like me, took up the packages that time, to fly to Buenos Aires and not to miss that only one chance for us, who are in this part of the world.

I'd like to thanks to the managers of Desolation Post for this chance of publish my work and to spread it. You can read my chronicle just clicking here.

1 comentario:

Frank Rivers dijo...

Hola. muy bueno el blog, pero ojala, que asi como se hacen tantos blogs, paginas webs y apologias a artistas extranjeros, algun dia alguien haga un homenaje a algun artista nacional.